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Average Net Salary

French Salaries: A Breakdown

Average Net Salary

The average net salary in France is 2340 euros per month, a figure that includes both the public and private sectors.

Sectoral Breakdown

Salaries vary significantly by sector, with the highest earners in the financial and insurance industries, where the average net salary is 3,540 euros per month. In contrast, the lowest earners are in the agriculture and hospitality sectors, where the average net salary is around 1,500 euros per month.

Professional Breakdown

Within each sector, salaries also vary by profession. For example, in the financial sector, investment bankers earn significantly more than customer service representatives. Similarly, in the healthcare sector, doctors earn more than nurses.

Historical Trends

The average net salary in France has been relatively stable in recent years, with only a slight increase over the past decade. However, there have been some fluctuations within sectors, with some industries seeing wage growth while others have experienced stagnation.
